The Supermodel Show is an unhinged feminist physical comedy created by Emily Dayton Evans, Maarit Hara, and Marina Gasparyan. This show explores the world of modeling through an absurd and theatrical lens.
The Supermodel Show first premiered June 8th, 2024 Off-Broadway at Ars Nova. Emily, Maarit, and Marina began building this show through the 2023-2024 Comedy Artists Maker Residency Program at Ars Nova. A developed version of the show was performed at Asylum NYC on June 29th, 2024.
Emily’s Grandfather saw the show and said: “It was a brilliant ploy. Some may have squirmed at the extended bare breasted segments and the graphic portrayal of lesbian sex, but I woke up yesterday thinking about it, and the phrase that came to mind was “good clean fun”! It felt like it wasn’t done for any other reason but to laugh at and for ourselves.”