“Morir Soñando” is a stand-up comedy show created by Dominican-American best friends Glorelys Mora and Sasha Merci, and it’s the only show in Washington Heights during the New York Comedy Festival. Taking place on November 17th at the historic United Palace Theater, this event promises a night of laughter that dives deep into cultural identity, family dynamics, and the everyday quirks of life. Through sharp, relatable stand-up performances, Mora and Merci bring their unique Dominican-American perspective to the stage, creating a hilarious celebration of community and culture. Don’t miss this chance to be part of history at one of the most exciting comedy events in the city!
Glorelys Mora and Sasha Merci Present: Una Noche de Comedia con Morir Soñando
Sun 11/17 7:00 pm
United Palace Theater
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United Palace Theater