Down Bad is a dating and romance themed comedy show that combines stand-up, Black culture, games, trivia, music, and more. Hosted by Grace Johnson and produced by Fools Circle Comedy.
Grace Johnson is a Nigerian-American comedian, television writer, and voiceover actor based in New York City. Check out her recent Don’t Tell comedy special, or catch her as a series regular on “The God Pod” (Apple Top 50 Podcast). But if you are on Tiktok you probably recognize her from viral witty observations on life, pop culture, and social commentary.
Fools Circle Comedy is a pop-up comedy show and music series featuring Black comedians, DJ’s, musicians, and artists. Our shows are sold out monthly in NYC, and have toured to LA, DC, Oakland, Chicago, DC, and Philadelphia. Featured in The Cut, NY Mag, Brooklyn Mag, The Oaklandside, and more.